There are many ways within our parish to serve God through your gifts and talents. if you would like to offer yourself to help in the mission of Our Parish please contact the parish office. You also may wish to fill out the parish registration form below and hand it in, outlining the areas or groups you would like to help within the parish.
Ministry to Sick & Housebound
Please contact the parish office if your friend or relation is in hospital and requires a visit a priest. Also, please let us know about parishioners who are unable to attend Holy Mass but would like visits from the priest or other parishioners. Keeping in touch with sick and housebound parishioners is a very important aspect of our community at St. Dunstan's!
Altar Servers
The ministry of the Altar Server helps make our Holy Mass more dignified. According to the recommendations of the Popes in recent years, at St. Dunstan's, this role is reserved to boys and young men. The sanctuary has been described as "the garden for vocations to the priesthood", that is, the place where the beginnings of a priestly vocation are first nurtured. This emphasis is maintained at St. Dunstan's by reserving the ministry to boys. If your son attends Holy Mass every week at our parish, then he is most welcome to begin serving. It is a great honour and privilege to serve at the altar. Boys should then arrive at least 5 minutes before Holy Mass. Please contact the priest in charge for more information.
We are so blessed at St. Dunstan's to have a choir which enables our Holy Mass to be a fuller expression of our worship of Almighty God. The choir meets before Holy Mass on Sunday in order to practice. Please arrive a 9.15am. Practices take place in the hall. The choir learns new pieces, including motets that are sung apart from the congregation. New members are always welcome.
The ministry of reading at Holy Mass is open to any practicing Catholic who is confident enough to read clearly. Please let us know if you would like to support this aspect of the sacred liturgy. We have a rota of readers which works out at reading around once every 6 weeks.
Events and Hospitality
Please see our newsletter about social events in the parish. We meet for tea and coffee after the Sunday mass and again after the Wednesday morning mass. If you would like to lead or organise an event please get in touch.
Catechesis and Evangelisation
Right now, we have a small team that teaches the Confirmation classes. Evangelisation and outreach events are organised periodically.